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Philhealth 1% Premium Differential for CY2022 on EPRS

Updated: Jan 31, 2024

The long wait is over! Despite the clamor among employee-direct contributors and among employers due to increase in monthly contributions, retroactive effectivity and delay in releasing the guideline in handling the differential, we are now in the light of these concerns. With the release of Philhealth Advisory No. 2022-0029 last Sept. 23, 2022, employers who paid the 3% monthly contributions can now access the Statement of Premium Account (SPA) generator via the Electronic Premium Remittance System (EPRS).

In this article, we will show you the step-by-step process of the Philhealth 1% Premium Differential on EPRS. Please follow the star!

1. SPA number is automatically generated for each month. Click “Generate”.

spa number generator

2. Generated SPA differential for each month will be displayed. Click “View”, if from January, 4% was already deducted from all employees, including those who resigned. In short, no changes will be made on the SPA amount. Otherwise, click “Edit”

spa number per month

3. If the generated SPAs need to be changed due non-deduction of the 1% increase from the resigned employees, click “Edit SPA Differential”.

spa payment and posting

4. List of resigned employees will be displayed. Select those resigned whom the 1% was not deducted or has no earnings. Click “Preview”.

resigned employees

5. Selected resigned employees will be updated with zero (0) personal share. Revised SPA differential amount will be generated. If correct, click “Generate” then “Ok”.

revised spa differential amount for resign employees
spa diff successful update

6. On SPA History, you will find the updated SPA Differential amount. Click the SPA number to display the statement.

spa history

spa statement

You have your final SPA! Now, you are set to proceed with the usual payment processing. Employers can pay the 1% differential on or before Dec. 31, 2022. You may further check the Advisory for additional compliance and reminders.

Four percent (4%) maybe small in number but will definitely have an impact to employee-direct contributors and the employers. Hoping that Philhealth will uphold the objective of the Universal Health Care Act of 2019 and provide the utmost benefits to Senior citizens, persons with disabilities and indigent Filipinos. In this manner, the 4% will outweigh the concerns of the direct contributors, like you and me.

Another Good news! In AanyaHR, employee and employer government contributions are readily available. Any changes similar to SPA differential are easily updated. Government-mandated reports are even at a few clicks. Want to know more about other helpful and awesome features of AanyaHR, please send an email to or visit our website

Source: PhilHealth

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